Feeding with Words
and Soup

We bring hope and support to individuals experiencing homelessness at every stage of their journey back to independent living in society.
About Us

Who are we?

Street Church is made up of people from various professions and interests whose life passion is reaching out to people with love and the Gospel, wherever they are – on the street. Our inspiration is Jesus Christ, who went to those in need, the poor, the lonely, the homeless, and the rejected, to bring them hope and proclaim the Kingdom of God with signs and wonders.

Street Church is a cross-denominational initiative based on the cooperation of local churches and Christian communities. Each Street Church is autonomous, and the foundation of its effective functioning is love and respect for mutual diversity. We meet in many places across Poland for weekly street services to worship God together, preach His Word, pray for the sick, and provide practical help to those in need.

He who saves one life saves the entire world.

- Thomas Keneally


It might seem unlikely, but the stories of people for whom a few words of encouragement and a bowl of soup were the beginning of a complete transformation tell a different tale.

Rafał came to Patelnia just to get something to eat. He saw no purpose in his life. A conversation with our volunteer and the warm meal he received were the beginning of events that led him to a place where he can now say that homelessness is a thing of the past for him.

Roman lived in homelessness for over a dozen years, and today he goes around telling others that change is possible because he experienced it himself.

Yes! Simple things like a word of hope and a bowl of soup can change someone's life. For someone, it could be the start of a new life!

Support us!

Together, we can change the world around us and BRING GOODNESS to where it is needed most. Learn about our activities, support us, and see for yourself that your involvement makes a difference.
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