Together, We’re Changing Lives!

Thanks to your support, we’re able to reach those most in need with help and the Gospel.
Get involved in our efforts through prayer, volunteering, or material support!

Make a Donation

By supporting our efforts regularly, we can provide continuous and comprehensive assistance to those most in need. Your support MAKES A DIFFERENCE and enables us to carry out meaningful work!

"Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will reward them for what they have done." – Proverbs 19:17

Find out how you can help:








Recipient: Mission "New Beginning"
ul. Mrówcza 243, 04-697 Warszawa, Poland

Account number:
60 1020 1127 0000 1402 0218 3168 (PKO BP)

International Transfer Details:
IBAN: PL60 1020 1127 0000 1402 0218 3168

By including your email address or mailing address in the payment reference, you enable us to send you a confirmation of receipt.

How Will Your Support Be Used?

  • Organising weekly evangelistic meetings.
  • Purchasing and maintaining equipment necessary for these meetings (e.g., sound systems, canopies, thermos flasks, banners, etc.).
  • Preparing and transporting food for those in need, including fuel costs.
  • Providing material support to individuals experiencing homelessness, addressing essential needs during their journey out of homelessness and addiction (e.g., purchasing medication, dressings, covering costs for medical consultations, therapy, insurance, employment, and accommodation).
  • Conducting interventions at locations where homeless individuals reside.
  • Maintaining and running a shelter for individuals in crisis and implementing social reintegration programmes.
  • Covering administrative costs for the Mission's operations.
Fill in your tax return (PIT-37 or PIT-38).
In the designated section of the PIT-37 or PIT-38 form, you’ll find a field where you can authorise the transfer of 1.5% of your tax to a public benefit organisation (OPP).
Enter the following KRS number: 0000 253 759
Organisation: “Dobro Czynić” Charitable Mission of the Church of Christ in Poland
Make sure to specify the purpose: STREET CHURCH
Thank you for your support!


Complete your tax return (PIT-37 or PIT-38).
In the appropriate section of the PIT-37 or PIT-38 form, you’ll find a field where you can authorise the donation of 1.5% of your tax to a public benefit organisation (OPP).
Enter the following KRS number: 0000 253 759
Organisation: “Dobro Czynić” Charitable Mission of the Church of Christ in Poland
Don’t forget to specify the purpose: STREET CHURCH
Thank you for your generosity!


You can support our work by donating clothing and other items, such as:

Warm clothing, footwear, underwear, socks, and blankets.
Hygiene products.
Food items.
We accept used items, but please ensure they are clean and in good condition.

If you’d like to provide support in this way, please get in touch with us via email at

You can also bring items directly to one of our meetings.


Would you like to get involved as a volunteer?

As a volunteer, you can support us in the following areas:

  • Evangelism.
  • Distributing food and material assistance.
  • Technical support during meetings.
  • Praying for the sick and those in need.

Due to the spiritual nature of our work, we require volunteers to have a current recommendation from the leader, pastor, or spiritual advisor of their community.

Feel free to reach out:

If you’re inspired by the work of Street Church and would like to start similar meetings in your area, we’re here to help!

Perhaps there are already Street Church meetings happening in your town that you could support. Check the LOCATIONS section to find out. If not, we’d be delighted to assist your community in starting similar activities.

Contact us via email at or by phone at +48 509 262 718.

We’re happy to help!


"Pray also for us, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ, for which I am in chains. Pray that I may declare it clearly, as I should." – Colossians 4:3-4

Prayer opens doors for sharing the Gospel and prepares hearts to receive it. It is the key to effectiveness. For this reason, we kindly ask you to pray regularly for our work, especially for the conversion of those we reach with the Good News, for open doors to proclaim the Gospel, and for our volunteers – that God would ignite their passion, call more people to this ministry, and inspire the establishment of new Street Churches across Poland.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated on our activities and prayer requests.

Prayer works!

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